
Dignified Retirement for Women
This project aims at promoting a policy of dignified retirement for women, which will take into consideration the unique needs of women from different groups, specifically low-income and marginalized groups. It also aims at pushing the employment market towards healthy preparedness for the anticipated increase in women's retirement age. We will conduct a research based on the mapping of women’s needs, hearing their concerns, conducting an Internet survey, and an analysis of international retirement models. The findings of the research will be published in a comprehensive report that will include our conclusions and recommendations. The report will constitute the basis for our intensive advocacy work and awareness-raising activities. It will be disseminated to decision-makers, social change organizations, and women. We will also hold a roundtable, and act for promoting a policy of dignified retirement.

By developing and promoting models for gender equality, increasing social security for women and the tools for maintaining and advancing their position in the employment market, the project will impact all women before and after they retire, particularly women over the age of 45. Gender inequality in the employment market increases with age; and as age increases, wage gaps between women and men increase, while at the same time women fall into part-time employment and unemployment at an earlier age then men (45 for women and 55 for men), and at 61, one year before the current official retirement age, 50% of women do not participate in the labor force. Low income and marginalized women are the main groups affected by this situation.

The heart of this project involves the implementation of gender mainstreaming into the policy of preparedness for the expected increase in women's retirement age. This is a long-term project and it is unique in both its goals and its strategies. It integrates feminist empowering participatory approach processes with advocacy work promoting economic social policy. The project involves women from diverse groups and backgrounds, emphasizing the importance of their voices in policy-making so as to encourage the recognition that different needs and life circumstances should form the basis of dignified retirement policies for women.

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